PFAS Exposure Assessment Challenges: Environmental and Consumer Product Safety
To date, the vast majority of efforts to characterize PFAS exposure have focused on drinking water ingestion. Methods are in development to help characterize the nature and extent of exposures via additional pathways (e.g., inhalation of ambient air, recreational exposures related to surface water contact and ingestion of recreationally caught fish, and ingestion of home-grown fruits and vegetables). As analytical methods develop, the limiting factors to inform effective characterization of current and potential future conditions become the lack of understanding regarding the driving pathways of concern and their significance based on the absence of applicable toxicity criteria. This presentation characterizes the relative expected ranking of PFAS concern, based on complete exposure pathway, the options for development of provisional toxicity factors, and methods to focus investigation needs, reduce project expenditures and inform defensible site and risk management.
Presented by Travis R. Kline and Seth Kellogg
Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.
Friday, December 6, 2019 Breakfast Buffet @ 7:30 AM Program Begins Promptly @ 8:00 AM
Red Lion Hotel on Wolf Road
(located at 205 Wolf Road Albany, NY 12205)
View the Event Flyer
$15 for breakfast buffet.
Attending the Presentation only is Free.
Please Register by December 4th